A familiar sight
This photo that I took earlier this year should be familiar to any fans of Royston Vasey out there; only the angle of the shot might be unfamiliar.
This photo that I took earlier this year should be familiar to any fans of Royston Vasey out there; only the angle of the shot might be unfamiliar.
Always admired Killing Joke, but never managed to see them. So doubly delighted to see a line-up including original bassist Youth at Boomtown 2019. Here’s a couple of my images of Jaz Colman; still terrifying and inspiring and hilarious in equal measure.
When I’m not doing my usual photography, I have quite an obsession with photographing stained glass. This stained glass is from at the Church of St. Jaume in Alcudia in Majorca.
Here’s a couple of my photos of Millie Manders & The Shut Up, who were on the Bunker stage at Boomtown 2019. Discovered by accident while wondering aimlessly, they were the perfect Friday midnight pick-me up. https://soundcloud.com/milliemusic, @milliemanders.
Last summer extinction rebellion action was everywhere. These handmaidens were a common site around the City of London area, and I caught site of them at the Boomtown Festival near Winchester, last August. The stunning red costumes are highly photogenic
Normally I blog about my corporate event and conference work, but now that everything is on hold until later this year, it feels like the time to share some other kinds of image. So in the next few weeks I will be posting some other kinds of images. Please feel free to like them or if you have any questions about them. Got to keep the brain ticking over while we wait for all this to blow over. So let’s stay in touch.
Share the involvement of your delegates by sharing great pictures of their active participation in the key moments of your event. Let everyone know how they benefit from their attendance.
When you’ve had a successful event, make sure that you spread the word about it with great images.
If your dishing out awards at your event, make sure that you celebrate your winners’ success by capturing images of them clutching their trophies. These photos make great keepsakes for the recipients, and a great promotional tool for your next event.
When you receive your fantastic event images from Luke Patrick Dixon Photography, it’s a good idea to post them far and wide. Your delegates might just take the opportunity to share them on, and then your success can be spread further and wider. I always appreciate a credit for the picture of course . . .